Objetos de Aprendizaje 1: Materiales Educativos Impresos 0.
This morning in the University of Dundee, I had the oportunity to continue a conversation with Professor Nick Hine about a particular subject that seems quite interesting to me: Disability and ICT in education, and more precisely the issues that have to do with digital educational content.
Was a long and nice talk that drops me a happy outcome as a conclusion: learning objects as open educational resources encourages production of inclusive educational material. It is a simple but strong idea behind this: being adaptable, editable, a learning object gives to an expert teacher in the disability issues, the oportunity to modify, adapt, change the format of information and also the information itself, just to to give the LO a greater lever of usability thinking of learners who have disability problems.
It is a quite complex problem and very sensitive too, and has to do with education state policies and with the most private and personal aspects of a human being.
There are some much to search for indeed but anyway it is still something promising in the air.
Learning Objects:1 - Printed Educational Content: 0
Blog de Andrés Chiappe - Objetos de Aprendizaje - Learning Objects.