Quiero resaltar una frase en particular:
"La diversidad de recursos que están ahora al alcance de las comunidades educativas y las múltiples combinaciones entre ellos generan un repertorio infinito de estrategias que adecuadamente utilizadas pueden transformar el proceso de aprendizaje llevándolo más allá de las aulas. Para lograrlo hay que superar la simple utilización de las TIC como mecanismo
para mejorar la productividad y buscar información, y apropiarse de las herramientas para trabajo colaborativo y exploración de objetos de aprendizaje."
Parece que vamos bien, cierto?
Hello, I was reading moments ago the document “Colombia Vision 2019”. In the chapter “Education, proposal for discussion” there is a section specifically destined to the importance of ICT for the scene of development of the Education in Colombia. People that work on this matter, know deep from the heart, the importance of ICT incorporation in education at all level and celebrate, (at least I am doing it) that this is written within a document that would try to lead the educational efforts for the next years. This must give a breath compass that let to jump the changes of policies and interests that entail the changes in the administration of the State.
I want to emphasize a phrase:
“The diversity of resources that are now within reach of the educational communities and the multiple combinations among them generates an infinite repertoire of strategies that suitably used can transform the learning process taking it beyond the classrooms. In order to obtain this, it is necessary to surpass the simple use of the ICT like a mechanism in order to improve productivity and to look for information, and take control of the tools for collaborative work and exploration of learning objects. “
It seems that we go well, right?