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We are working on building the Colombian Learning Objects Network "CLONE". Yes! It is a very suggestive name indeed. This name points our interest in the idea of facilitate learning object reusability through the possibility of its intern modification. This makes easier the adaptation of learning objects to other educational context.
Well... I am sure there are so many people interested in share experiences and knowledge about learning objects.
Do you want to?
Put ourselves in contact.
Blog de Andrés Chiappe - Objetos de Aprendizaje - Learning Objects.

2 comentarios:
Hola me gustaría saber que ha pasado con este proyecto de Clone se me hace una idea interesante especialmente por que estoy incursionando en el tema de los objetos virtuales.
Estamos trabajando para adelantar este proyecto en conjunto con el Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia con el ánimo de llevarlo acabo este año.
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