La respuesta a esta pregunta bien puede ser distinta y depende desde donde te estés fundamentando. Se pueden encontrar varias definiciones sobre los objetos de apredizaje y algunas de ellas tocan ciertos puntos en común de particular relevancia.
En la Universidad de La Sabana, en Colombia, hemos llevado a cabo un trabajo encaminado a construir una definición que no pretende "reinventar la rueda" en relación con los objetos de aprendizaje sino que más bien trata de determinar los elementos conceptuales que mejor describan la naturaleza de un objeto de aprendizaje y que permitan reconocerlo de manera amplia e integral.
En este sentido se define un objeto de aprendizaje como: "

Fuente:Chiappe, A., Segovia, Y., & Rincon, H. Y. (2007). Toward an instructional design model based on learning objects. Educational Technology Research and Development , 55, 671-681.
Esta conceptualización fué la base para la construcción de la definición propuesta por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia y que se encuentra en el portal Colombia aprende.
La definición a la que se hace mención se encuentra en un documento borrador sobre el cual se escribió el artículo "Toward an instructional design model based on learning objects", publicado recientemente por la revista Educational Technology Research and Development.
De manera complementaria es preciso comentar que se quiere fortalecer el carácter de "recurso educativo abierto" de los objetos de aprendizaje como aspecto que facilita su reutilización.
Hello, I was invited this week to participate in a conference about learning objects and came up from the audience the question…well… ¿what is really a learning object?
The answer to this question is quite different and depends of the point where you were “grounded”.
You can find several definitions about learning objects and some of them have a few relevant points in common.
In Universidad de La Sabana, in Colombia, our research group have develop a definition that pretends not to “re-invent the wheel” about learning objects but to find some conceptual elements to describe properly their nature and to identify them in a wide and integral way.
In that way we define a learning object as a “…digital, self-contained, reusable entity with a clear learning aim that contains at least three internal changing and editable components: content, instructional activities (learning activities), and context elements. As a complement, the learning object should have an external component of information which helps its identification, storage, and recovery: the metadata.”(Chiappe, Segovia, & Rincon, 2007).
Source:Chiappe, A., Segovia, Y., & Rincon, H. Y. (2007). Toward an instructional design model based on learning objects. Educational Technology Research and Development , 55, 671-681.
This conceptualization was taken as a base for the definition of learning objects presented by the Ministry of National Education of Colombia. (you can see it in the portal “Colombia aprende”)
This definition could be consulted in a draft document (it is actually the spanish version) that was the base for writing the article "Toward an instructional design model based on learning objects", recently published by the Educational Technology Research and Development Journal.
Finally it is important to say that learning objects are considered as “open educational resources”, like an important aspect that facilitates its reuse.

4 comentarios:
Hey Andres, I'm impressed that you are blogging in two languages. that is a lot of work. I have a friend who used to have a blog in Portuguese and English called "Em duas Linguas." Since then I have found a number of bilingual blogs. I think these are important bridge building efforts! Bravo!
Thanks Nancy, yes, it is hard work but it is worth the effort.
Buenas. ¿Puedo citar tu definición de Objeto de Aprendizaje en mi proyecto fin de carrera? Es lo más parecido a lo que buscaba. Sin duda te añadadiría a las fuentes bibliográficas, así como un link a tu blog.
Muchas gracias
Hola Juan, desde luego que puedes citar la definición. Esta es la referencia completa:
- Chiappe et al, (2007). Toward an instructional design model based on learning objects. Educational Technology Research and Development, 55, 671-681.
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