martes, mayo 01, 2012
¿Es en serio? - ¿Are you kidding me?
Muchas inseguridades y temores irracionales con relación a la incorporación de las TIC en educación se esconden a veces detrás de argumentos aparentemente lógicos. Me he encontrado recientemente con un articulo en el que se menciona que [...]"Because much of the technology children are using is new, there aren't yet studies about the impact of so much screen time on brain development"[...] ver artículo
Bien, yo quisiera ver las investigaciones exhaustivas acerca de la incidencia de la exposición de los niños a los libros impresos y su relación con su desarrollo cerebral. No me hagan dar risa!!
A lot of insecurities and irrational fears regarding the incorporation of ICT in education sometimes lurk behind seemingly logical arguments. I recently found an article which mentioned that [...] "Because much of the technology children are using is new, yet there are not studies about the Impact of so much screen time on brain development" [. ..] see article
Well, I would like to see the extensive research on the incidence of exposure of children to printed books and its relationship to brain development. Do not make me laugh to!
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