martes, agosto 21, 2012
Acerca del sinsentido de "Desaprender"- "Unlearn" as a pointless word
Hace unos días volví a escuchar un término que no me termina de gustar y que es muy popular entre la comunidad educativa: "desaprender". Una de las primeras veces que lo escuché fue de labios del Maestro Yoda cuando le dice a Luke Skywalker que debe desaprender lo que ha aprendido. En ese momento perecía una frase sabia, llena de la magia propia del aprendizaje de “la fuerza”. Pues bien, años después, ya considerando el tema en el contexto de la educación pereciera que continúa persiguiendo la idea del cambio, lo cual en si mismo es bastante acertado según mi opinión. Cambio de paradigmas, viejas ideas enquistadas por nuevas y frescas, en fin, parece un término pedagógicamente muy sólido.
El problema con estos conceptos que lucen sólidos es que tienden a ser utilizados de manera indiscriminada. Recientemente lo escuché en el marco de una charla sobre aprendizaje significativo y de inmediato sentí que algo andaba mal. ¡Esto no tiene sentido! En ese momento comprendí que lo que me molestaba de este término no era su significado sino la palabra en si misma.
En el contexto del aprendizaje significativo no tiene sentido referirse a “desaprender”. Es en este contexto en el que el aprendizaje se asocia con la construcción de significado por parte del aprendiz. Cuando un concepto nuevo es subsumido, es decir, cuando se logra relacionar con uno existente en la estructura cognitiva del aprendiz, el significado del concepto previo se reconstruye, se renueva, se regenera. El concepto Ausubeliano denominado “Diferenciación Progresiva” hace referencia precisamente a que a medida que pasa el tiempo, los significados que tenemos en nuestra estructura cognitiva cambian con la incorporación de nueva información; las nuevas ideas cambian las viejas. Eso es aprender.
Si “desaprender” significa cambiar viejas ideas por ideas nuevas, entonces significa lo mismo que aprender. No tiene sentido utilizar esa palabra.
A few days ago I heard again a word that I don´t like too much and that is very popular among the educational community: "unlearn". I recall I heard it several years ago from the lips of Master Yoda when he told Luke Skywalker: “You must unlearn what you have learned”. At that time it looks like a wise phrase, full of the proper magic of learning "the force." Now, years later, considering this issue in the context of education, still looks like it is chasing the idea of change, which is pretty appropriate in my opinion. Changing paradigms, swift entrenched old ideas with new and fresh ones, well, looks like a very solid pedagogically concept.
The problem with these concepts that look solid is that they tend to be used indiscriminately. Recently I heard it in a lecture about meaningful learning and immediately felt something was wrong. ¡This makes no sense! In that moment I realized that what bothered me about this term was not its meaning but the word itself.
In the context of meaningful learning the word "unlearn" is pointless. In this context learning is associated with the construction of meaning by the learner. When a new concept is subsumed, I mean, when the new concept is related with an existing one (in the cognitive structure of the learner), the meaning of the prior concept is rebuilded, renewed, regenerated. The Ausubelian concept called "progressive differentiation" means precisely that as time passes, the meaning we have in our cognitive structure change with the incorporation of new information; new ideas change old ones. That is learning.
If "unlearn" means changing old ideas for new ideas, then, it means the same as learning. Using that word is pointless.
The problem with these concepts that look solid is that they tend to be used indiscriminately. Recently I heard it in a lecture about meaningful learning and immediately felt something was wrong. ¡This makes no sense! In that moment I realized that what bothered me about this term was not its meaning but the word itself.
In the context of meaningful learning the word "unlearn" is pointless. In this context learning is associated with the construction of meaning by the learner. When a new concept is subsumed, I mean, when the new concept is related with an existing one (in the cognitive structure of the learner), the meaning of the prior concept is rebuilded, renewed, regenerated. The Ausubelian concept called "progressive differentiation" means precisely that as time passes, the meaning we have in our cognitive structure change with the incorporation of new information; new ideas change old ones. That is learning.
If "unlearn" means changing old ideas for new ideas, then, it means the same as learning. Using that word is pointless.
ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje,
learning objects,
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